Ayurvedic massage


Ayurvedic massage is called abhyanga in Ayurveda. It is a powerful regimen for healing not only for physical stress but also for emotional stress and restoring peace to the mind.

 Ayurvedic massage therapy mainly concentrates on maintaining human health by nourishing the cells.

A skillful massage acts as the best pain reliever with the help of an experienced and qualified therapist.


Panchakarma therapy uses medicated herbal oil for massaging to correct the equilibrium of doshas and it gives the patient a new life. Hands, fingers, elbows, forearms, knees, and feet or a device can be used for massaging purposes. The general purpose of massage is for the treatment of body stress or pain.

Ayurveda recommends massages regularly if you are tired stressed especially if the person has pain, tension, or depression.


Ayurvedic massage is the best therapy for boosting immunity by a person can get rid of stress and anxiety.

Abhyanga is one of the best rejuvenation therapy takes the person to a new world. Massaging with aromatic medicated oil gives magical relief from stress and it penetrates to each tissue will nourish the cells

From constant backache, neck pain, or even joint pain medicated oil massage boost up the process by increasing blood circulation and relaxing muscles. Constant work from home on your computer causes pain in the neck, shoulders, and lower back with strained muscles. A stress relief massage is a perfect way to feel better.

The current pandemic gives us a clear vision of the importance of boosting immunity and leading a healthy life. Here the role of Ayurveda in maintaining health and wellbeing is highly valued.




A full body massage with medicated hot oil is chosen according to the prakruthi [nature of person] and medical condition of the patient.


Swedana is sudation. Derived from the Sanskrit word swid means to perspire [to sweat]. The herbalized fomentation procedure will help to dilate the channels of the body and its ease to detach the toxins from tissues.

Sudation or steam bath has very good action on fat tissues and it detaches toxins from the body through the skin pores. . Reduces inflammation by increasing the blood circulation and also relieves stress and rejuvenates the skin.


Dried herbal powder or herbal paste is applied opposite direction to the growth of body hair. This massage is generally used to enhance blood circulation, treat patients with high cholesterol levels, obesity, and Kapha dosha by breaking down adipose tissue.


The word Gharshana means rubbing or dry massage.

The procedure in which the body is stimulated using natural silk gloves that helps in exfoliation removes dead cells which give supple and glowing skin. Gharshana massage is one of the best methods to relieve stress, cleansing clogged pores, removing dead skin, and enhances lymphatic drainage, etc.


The word Shirodhara is derived from the Sanskrit word Shira refers to head and Dhara refers to flow.

Generally administered by pouring warm medicated oil over the forehead. Medicated – oil, buttermilk, decoctions may use depending upon the patient’s condition. Helps to relax and revitalize all sensory organs and improves mental alertness, migraine headaches, ENT diseases, cerebrovascular diseases, etc.


Thakra Dhara is a variant form of Shirodhara. Thakra is buttermilk and the procedure in which a stream of medicated buttermilk is poured over the patient’s body and then used for massaging as we do in Shirodhara.

Based on the site of application Thakradhara is classified into three.

 1. Thakra Shirodhara

Thakra dhara is performed over the forehead area. By doing the therapy the person can get rid of migraine headaches, anxiety disorders, psoriasis, insomnia, etc.

2. Thakra Ekankadhara

Thakra dhara is done over a particular part of the body.

For example, if the person is having psoriasis over the leg, Dhara is done only over that affected area.

3. Thakra Sarvangadhara

Thakra dhara is rendered all over the body. The therapy done for the whole body will effective in psoriasis, exhaustion, and stress.


Shashtiashali pinda swedam commonly known by the name Njavarakizhi. As the name suggests shashtikashali is a type of rice and it is called njavara in Malayalam. It is one of the traditional and unique techniques practiced by Kerala vaidyas or physicians.

It is sweat-inducing treatment in which milk is processed with herbs and combined with special njavara rice. The mixing of milk along with rice and herbs increases medicinal values for which it is used for specific treatments. Medicated njavara rice pudding is tied in a muslin bag in the form of boluses and applied externally. The warm milk and medicated decoctions are used for dipping boluses while the treatment procedure.

The special njavara kizhi promotes skin luster and moisture dry skin.

Also, correct imbalanced doshas and pacify Vata dosha. It helps to increase muscle strength and is helpful in muscular pain and stiff joints while enhancing joint flexibility. Njavara kizhi has high medicinal value due to its ability to treat numerous disease conditions along with maintaining healthy wellbeing.


The word Pizhichil can be termed as squeezing. The procedure involves, medicated oil being squeezed from a cloth dipped in warm medicated oil on the patient’s body carrying out a massage. Be conscious to take the suitable oil according to the condition. 

It involves both snehana and swedana so it combines the goodness of both oil and heat providing the body and mind with magical benefits.


Ayurveda provides an answer for all pains, ailments and diseases with great knowledge.

Panchakarma is an ancient Ayurvedic practice in kerala,which helps to achieve a balanced state of mind ,body and spirit. It involes best techniques for healing and rejuvenation.

Panchakarma is a Sanskrit word derived from two words pancha means five and karma means the action or procedure. Thus panchakarma involves five -step processes to detoxify the human body and improving the quality of life.

Ayurvedic panchakarma treatment is a three-stage process involves:

  • Purva karma [ pre – operative ]
  • Pradhana karma [ operative ]
  • Paschat karma [ post – operative ]


Accumulated ama [ toxins ] is the primary cause for all diseases. Purva karma is the pre – operative measure to cure the imbalanced doshas  and it helps to encourage the body to let go of the  toxins.

The purva karma comprises of pachana , snehana and swedana karma.

Pachana karma helps the digestion process and it is the fasting technique followed by the intake medicine.

Snehana is the oleation therapy which includes the administration of fat and massage of oil over the skin for a specific period. Both vegetable and animal origine of fat substance can be used according to the condtion of disease and the season also an important factor.

Swedana is the sudation therapy involves an ayurvedic massage with medicated oil and steam bath. It helps to open up the channels and stimulate the movement of vitiated doshas to the digestive tract and by doing so the amas or toxins can be easily ejected.


This is the main or operative procedures involves five – step therapy are,

  • Vamanam
  • Virechanam
  • Basti
  • Nasyam
  • Raktamokshanam


Vamana is the first purification therapy in which controlled vomiting is induced by herbs or drugs. It is mainly targeted to expel increased Kapha dosha out of the body. The main seat of the Kapha is the chest region and so it is easy that to expel through the oral route.

Vamana helps to restore normal health and a person gains strength, nourishment, immunity, etc. A person who suffers from the heaviness of the body, obesity, anemia, Kapha disorders, fatigue, weakness, and tiredness, etc.. will get great benefit by doing vamanam.


Virechana is drug-induced purgation therapy, a controlled process of excreting solid waste from the body. It is designed to flush out the toxins and the procedure is conducted for a specific amount of time.

This treatment is mainly targeted to flush out increased pitta dosha from the body. Virechana is the correct option if the pitta dosha is increased to an extent. The pitta dosha is situated in extremities and different organs to be forcefully brought into the intestine by doing proper Purva karma. And then purgation is to be induced and it helps to expel the toxins completely.


Basti is the medicated enema. The water-based or oil-based liquid is used for basti kriya; salt, honey, lipids,herbs are the additional elements added to it. Enemas are applied to rectum , vagina, urethra etc. Basti is commonly used alone or along with Ayurveda medication in all vata vyadhis [neurological disorders], Is also indicated in distended abdomen,constipation, amenorrhea, abdominal spasmodic pain, slipped disc , gout, spondylosis , paralysis, etc.


Nasya involves the cleansing of nasal passages by instillation of medicine through nostrils. Nasya can prevent ENT diseases and diseases related to head along it having an important role in improving mental health. Nasya has much 

importance in today’s era due to the more polluted environment in which we live today. Air pollution is one of the burning issues we face today which increases respiratory diseases and so Nasya can bring a human being healthy.


Raktamokshana is the bloodletting therapy that stimulates the production of anti-oxidants and pro-immune substances that destroys toxins in the body. This is the method for the removal of impure blood from the affected body part. By doing raktha mokshana all the problems caused due to vitiated blood can be eliminated and also it can be performed along with other panchakarma procedures.


The rehabilitation procedures after the pradhana karma are called Paschat karma or post-operative procedures.

Which include:

a) Samsarjana krama

Here restoring the digestive power of a person after the purificatory therapy by following some specific diet.

b) Rasayanadi karma

In Rasayana karma administering the Rasayana and vajeekarna drugs to the person who completed the purificatory therapy.

c) Samana yoga

Here administering the medicines which cure that particular disease after the Shodhana therapy.


This is the holistic purification treatment.                                                             

The ama or toxins are the root cause of various diseases. Panchakarma procedures help to remove all toxins from the body in an efficient way without any adverse effects.

  • Balance all three doshas
  • Boost immunity and slow ageing process
  • Removes toxins from the entire system of the body
  • Helps to restore Agni
  • Improves skin lusture
  • Heals digestive system
  • Relax body as well as mind

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