Back pain (Low Back Pain) is one of the most common illnesses today. It is the pain felt in lower back that usually originates from the muscles, nerves, bones, joints or other structures in the spine. Pain in the low back restricts activity and reduces work capacity and quality of enjoyment of everyday living. Surveys indicate that about 70 percentage of population suffers from low back pain at least during one or other stage of their lives. Men and women are equally affected.
Concept of Back pain according to Ayurveda
In Ayurveda back pain is considered as a Vata (means air- which governs the all movements of body) and kapha (bodily humor that governs liquid and solid part of body)dominant disease affecting the low back region. Ayurveda refers this condition as Kati Shoola or Kati Graha. ‘Kati’ refers to low back , ‘shoola’ refers to pain and ‘Graha’ refers to stiffness.
Causes of BACK PAIN
Back pain can be due to several causes.
These include:
- Postural irregularities or usage of uncomfortable cushions/chairs.
- Travelling in uneven surfaces, riding two wheelers.
- Strain in the muscles or ligament due to repeated heavy lifting.
- Bulging or ruptured disc
- Degenerative disorders like Osteoarthritis, Osteoporosis
- Skeletal deformities
- Spondylitis caused by severe inflammation of spinal discs.
- History of injuries or accidents
- Presence of tumours in spine.
- Over weight
- Pregnancy
- Sedentary life style
Other causes for back pain can be :
- Pelvic inflammatory diseases (Inflammation in the cervix or mouth of the uterus).
- Leucorrhoea, other vaginal infections.
- Renal calculi (Stones in the urinary tract)
- Chronic cystitis (Inflammation in the urinary bladder)
- Constipation
- Anaemia
- Tuberculosis (of spine)
FAQ / article includes/ points covered
- What is the best Ayurvedic treatment for back pain?
- Ayurvedic treatment for back pain in Kerala, India
- Can Panchakarma cure back pain?
- Why I have back pain?
- Treatment for low back pain
- Home remedies for back pain
- What are the causes of back pain?
- How Ayurveda prevents back pain?
- What are the symptoms of back pain?
- Is yoga beneficial for back pain?
- Best yoga asana for back pain
- Best Natural Ayurvedic home remedies for back pain.
- Best Effective Ayurvedic herbs for back pain.
- Vegetarian and non-vegetarian diet for back pain.
- What are diet and life style adaptation in back pain?
- Best Herbal tea for back pain
- What are the complications of back pain?
Symptoms of BACK PAIN
- Muscle ache
- Shooting or stabbing pain
- Pain that radiates down to leg, pain in hip, buttock.
- Limited flexibility or range of motion of the back
- Inability to stand or sit up straight
- Dull ache, a sharp or piercing or burning sensation
- Tingling sensation or numbness
- Pain may be constant or intermittent
Complication of BACK PAIN
- Limited mobility
- Nerve damage
- Psychological problems
- Weight gain
- Muscle wasting
- Drooping of leg
- Decreased strength in limbs
- Gait abnormality
- Degeneration
BACK PAIN in Ayurveda
In Ayurveda back pain is a Vata (means air- which governs the all movements of body)and Kapha (bodily humor that governs liquid and solid part of body)dominant disease affecting the low back region. Ayurveda refers this condition as Kati Shoola or Kati Graha. ‘Kati’ refers to low back and ‘shoola’ refers to pain ‘Graha’ refers to stiffness. This type of pain causes both bone and muscle weakness, later causing degeneration and deformities. Back pain can also occur as an associated complaint with other diseases.
How Ayurveda prevents BACK PAIN?
Ayurveda suggests to follow a healthy regimen that does not lead to the aggravation of doshas (bio energies). To maintain this health- a good code of conduct and way of living like… Daily regimen, seasonal regimen, way of eating and diet plans etc should be practiced. Following good personal and social code of conduct helps to gain long, peaceful, happy and healthy life.
Maintain a balanced posture that decreases the stress on back by keeping the muscles, bones and other supporting parts in natural position. Regular exercise and yoga practice helps in strengthening the musculoskeletal system. Intake of warm and cooked food. Avoid unhealthy food habits. Also avoid food which has astringent, bitter and pungent. Eat three nourishing meals a day at around the same time each day. Avoid day sleep and night vigil.
Kerala Ayurvedic Treatment for BACK PAIN
The treatment principles of ayurveda are basically based of 5 element theory. The imbalance and balance of these 5 elements in the body causes the illness and health .The treatment is planned according to the dosha predominance in the body and the underlying causes. Basically there are two types of treatment in namely Shamana and Shodhana. Shamana is alleviative way of treatment where Shodhana is eliminating type of treatment. Good medication followed by a good healthy lifestyle is the line of principles of Shamana way of treatment where Shodhana is cleansing the body or eliminating the morbid waste from body through the means of panchakarma which is followed by the rejuvenation therapies for the body.
Treatment procedures include Panchakarma therapies (the 5 karmas or procedure that helps in purifying the body), internal medications, external herbal applications (like poultice, paste etc.), a well planned diet and life style adaptations.
Panchakarma and other Treatment for BACK PAIN
- Abyanga – medicated oil masage
- Swedana – fomentation
- Dhara – pouring of medicated liquids to the body
- Podikizhi – powder bolus massage
- Elakizhi – leaf bolus massage
- Pizhichil – pouring of medicated oil to the body
- Basti – medicated enema
- Navarakizhi – Rice bolus massage
- Kati Basti – retention of oil in the back
- Tractions
All these procedures are helpful in preventing further degeneration of the cartilage, bones and nerves involved in the causation of disease. These procedures also rejuvenate the body tissues, reduce inflammation and thus provide longevity.
Internal medication like Gandharvahastadi kashaya, sahacharadi kashaya, shaddharana choorna, Hinguvachadi choorna, Balasahacharadi kashayam, Pravala Pishti, Rasnasapthakam kashayam, Dhanwantharam kashaya, Kaishoora Guggulu, Dhanwantharam Guggulu, Yogaraja Guggulu, etc are useful in back pain.
Vegetarian Diet
- Moringa, Brinjal, snake gourd, Carrot, onion, Sweet potato.
- Green leafy vegetables like Spinach, Broccoli, kale
- Lentils, beans, peas, horse gram, whole grains.
Non –Vegetarian food
- Egg
- Fish like salmon, sardines.
- Poultry meat
Other diet:
- Yogurt, milk, cheese
- Avocado, nuts, lean protein
- Cherries, Berries, grapes, pomegranate, water melon, orange
- Olive oil
- Himalayan salt
- Ginger, garlic, turmeric can be added in the diet.
Food To Avoid In BACK PAIN
- Bitter, astringent and pungent food
- Cold food and beverages
- Processed food, Saturated fat
- Fast food, fried food
- White bread, cookies, sugary drinks, snacks, chips.
- Caffeine and alcohol
- Unhealthy Salt consumption
Life Style Adaptation In BACK PAIN
- Avoid over exertion to back ( like riding two wheelers, weight lifting)
- Drink plenty of water.
- Maintain a healthy body weight.
- Follow a routine exercise regimen (lighter exercises).
- Eat at regular time.
- Good sleep( minimum 6 to 7 hours of sleep)
- Avoid high heels
- Sleep in regular surface (avoid too hard and soft bed).
- Yoga practice
Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies For BACK PAIN
- Castor seeds cooked in milk and applied as a paste in the low back region.
- Intake of Castor oil mixed with milk.
- Take bath in luke warm water added with few drops of eucalyptus oil, lemongrass oil.
- Intake of warm glass of milk, added with a pinch of turmeric and few drops of honey.
- Thorn apple filled with Sesame seeds, boiled in milk ,this has to be made paste and applied to the low back.
- Bark skin of Nux vomica can be used to boil water and used for fomentation in low back.
- Intake of Garlic bulb paste boiled with milk daily in empty stomach can relieve back pain.
Effective Ayurvedic Herbs For BACK PAIN
- Intake of equal quantity of castor oil and Vitex negundo juice.
- Ginger, garlic, turmeric as they have anti inflammatory actions.
- Oil prepared using Camphor can be used for massage before bed time.
- A teaspoon of Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera) in warm milk and consume at bedtime daily.
- Oil prepared using Cymbopogon flexuosus, Sida retusa, used for massage
- Oil prepared with seed of moringa for external application in low back.
- Lemongrass oil applied in low back as it relieves inflammation and pain.
- Green tea
- Tea prepared by ginger, turmeric.
- Honey lemon tea
- Chamomile tea
- Lemongrass tea
Yoga Asanas For BACK PAIN
Yoga asanas support the physical, psychological and emotional sufferings that a disease creates. It helps to tone the internal organ functions and improves the blood circulation. Practicing yoga asanas helps in calming the entire body and mind. Stimulates the muscles, increase blood supply, balance the glands and helps in internal purification process. Yoga is effective in lowering the stress level , strengthening immune functions and rejuvenate a person. Yoga can offer a great relief for the pain, as well as provide great preventative care for the future. Practicing these few simple yoga asanas every day will strengthen the back and help to reduce the pain, while also enhancing the posture. Apart from these asanas(postures) Pranayama(breathing exercise),meditation are also helpful.
- Bow pose
- Supine twist
- Triangle pose
- Bridge pose
- Cobra pose
- Cat-Cow stretch pose
- Camel pose