Cancer, one of the most deadly challenges spreading drastically in 21st century, has now officially become the most dangerous killer disease in the world according to the World Health Organisation. It is regarded as a fatal and complicated disease. Normally body cells have specific functions and a fixed life span. When a cell receives instruction to die, it gets replaced with new one. This is the normal mechanism happening in our body. But the Cancerous cells, they lack this component and hence they don’t die and continue to divide. It is a disease that is known to grow out of control and affect the surrounding tissues and the organs.

Concept of Cancer according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda mentions Cancer as Granthi (benign tumours)or Arbuda (malignancy). Ayurveda has three body control system that coordinates the body functions and growth. When one or two of the three bodily systems goes out of control, body tries to coordinate among these systems. Cancer affects all the three major bodily system(tridoshas), losing mutual coordination and thus cannot prevent tissue damage, resulting in a deadly morbid condition. Along with tridoshas it also vitiates the dhatus (bodily tissues).

Causes Of Cancer

While normal cell growth follows an orderly path of growth, division and death, cancerous cells do not experience death but continue to grow and divide. There can be several causes for cancer, some of the common reasons include:

  • Damages or mutation in the DNA resulting in the damage to the genes involved in cell division.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Carcinogens such as tobacco, asbestos, arsenic, radiation, ultraviolet rays and car exhaust fumes.
  • Cigarette smoking, passive smoking and tobacco chewing.
  • Alcohol consumption
  •  Obesity
  • Lack of physical activity
  • Poor nutrition
  • Sunlight and excessive exposure to ultraviolet light
  • Exposure to radiation from X-rays, gamma rays, cellular phones and cell phone towers

FAQ / article includes/ points covered

Symptoms Of Cancer

  • Digestion problems
  • Pain
  • Unusual bleeding
  • Persistent Infections
  • Unexplained weight loss
  • Fatigue
  • Change in bowel or bladder habits
  • Any deformities or structural changes in the body.
  • Persistent lump or swollen glands
  • Non healing sores

Complication Of Cancer

Cancer and its treatment can cause several complications like:

  • Bio-Chemical changes in body
  • Gastro intestinal problems
  • Pain
  • Fatigue
  • Weight loss
  • Nausea
  • Spreading of cancer to other cells and organs

How to prevent Cancer?

There’s no certain way to prevent cancer. But one can reduce the risk of cancer.

  • Stop smoking
  • Avoid excessive sun exposure. 
  • Eat a healthy diet
  • Exercise most days of the week
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Get adequate sleep
  • Reduce alcohol consumption
  • Proper Immunization
  • Use maximum natural products
  • Avoid exposure to pollution and radiation


Ayurveda mentions Cancer as Granthi (benign tumours)or Arbuda (malignancy). Ayurveda has three body control system that coordinates the body functions and growth. When one or two of the three bodily systems goes out of control, body tries to coordinate among these systems. Cancer affects all the three major bodily system(tridoshas), losing mutual coordination and thus preventing normal cell death , resulting in a deadly morbid condition. Along with tridoshas it also vitiates dhatus, causing complete imbalance in the body.

How to prevent cancer in Ayurveda?

Ayurveda suggests to follow a healthy regimen that does not lead to the aggravation of doshas (bio energies). To maintain this health- a good code of conduct and way of living like… Daily regimen, seasonal regimen, way of eating and diet plans etc should be practiced.  Following good personal and social code of conduct helps to gain long, peaceful, happy and healthy life.

In Ayurveda, through Prakruthi (body constitution) assessment, the dosha predominance can be identified in an individual and can predict the increased probability of illness and accordingly help in prevention and early detection of diseases. Panchakarma procedures also help in minimizing the future risk of cancer by purifying the system. Season wise Panchakarma therapies should be carried out in a healthy individual to prevent cancer. Individuals with family history of cancer should undergo Panchakarma therapies as a preventative care.  

Ayurvedic Treatment For Cancer

Cancer treatment in Ayurveda works on improving the quality of life of the patient through rejuvenation therapies. It aims at improving the immune response, correction of digestive system and improving the circulatory mechanism. Ayurvedic treatments like organ specific medications, panchakarma therapies, rejuvenation therapies and herbal preparations are useful. Other procedures with medicated oil like body massage, Shiro dhara(oil dripping therapy) are beneficial in treating the  mind and body.

Panchakarma and its significance in Cancer

Vitiated doshas has to be eliminated from the body. There is excessive vitiation of dosha in cancer. Pancha karma therapies can be administered in patients considering the strength of patient. Panchakarma therapies help in counteracting the side effects of chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Panchakarma procedures also help in minimizing the future risk of cancer by purifying the system. Season wise Panchakarma therapies should be carried out in a healthy individual to prevent cancer. Individuals with family history of cancer should undergo Panchakarma therapies as a preventative care.  

Yes..!  Studies say that, As age progresses the risk of cancer also increases.  Ayurveda can help this with Rejuvenation therapy. It includes various facial and body massages using herbal oil and medicines with anti-ageing properties. Body sudation, Panchakarma – the fivefold treatment aims for the overall wellbeing of the individual with the following target areas-tunes the body, breath, organ, mind, nerves and purifies the blood. All these procedures will boost the immune system and provide longevity. Hence keeping the individuals mind and body healthy and this prevents the occurrence of diseases.

Internal Medications

Ayurvedic semi solid preparations like Rasayana avaleha has rejuvenation properties, improves the quality of life and can be taken along with chemo or radiotherapy. Rasayana preparation like Ashwagandha Rasayana, Brahma Rasayana, Chyavanaprasha, Narasimha Rasayana, etc.

Ayurvedic Treatment As Co-Therapy For Cancer

Ayurvedic treatments as co-therapy with chemo or radiation therapy is much beneficial and supportive to the patients. In order to withstand the side effects of chemo and radiation therapies, antioxidant Ayurvedic herbs are useful. Ayurvedic drugs work significantly in the complications arising from chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Ayurvedic drugs have been proved effective in some of the side effect that arise due to the treatment of cancer like  nausea, decreased appetite, hair loss, excess salivary secretion, pleural effusion, pericardial effusion, ascites, weight loss, sexual dysfunction, anxiety, depression, fatigue, liver and kidney disorders. Ayurveda provides extensive knowledge of herbs and treatment strategies. During chemotherapy or radiotherapy Ayurveda can help as well to reduce the side-effects of the treatment and assist the body in its recovery process. Ayurveda medicines improve the nutritional status and combat the complications. Therefore, Ayurvedic medicines can be prescribed along with chemotherapy and radiotherapy for better results.

Medications like Gugguluthikthaka kashaya, kanchanara guggulu, Triphala choorna, Ashwaganda choorna, Gokshuradi Guggulu ,etc can be used along with allopathic treatment.

Diet And Life Style Adaptation In Cancer

Vegetarian diet

  • Cruciferous vegetables, including  broccoli, cauliflower and cabbage
  • Tomato, carrot
  • Beans and legumes
  • Green leafy vegetables
  • Flaxseed

Non-vegetarian diet

  • Good protein sources food like lean meat, fish and egg can be taken.

Other diet:

  • Citrus fruits
  • Turmeric, garlic, ginger,
  • Nuts
  • Olive oil
  • Whole grains
  • Lean protein
  • Healthy fat
  • Cow milk, ghee / goat milk

No single food can protect against cancer. Eating a diet full of diverse whole food such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, legumes, spices, healthy fat, fresh fish, high quality dairy products may reduce the risk of cancer.

Food To Avoid In Cancer

  • Deep fried food
  • Maida and bakery products
  • Raw food or salads
  • Sugar and salt(limited use)
  • Tobacco and alcohol
  • Processed food, saturated fat
  • Smoked food
  • Over cooked food
  • Processed dairy products.
  • In-compatible food
  • Red meat

Life Style Adaptations In Cancer

  • Avoid late night dinner.
  • Take food only after digestion of previous meal.
  • Once a week fasting
  • Maintain a healthy body weight.
  • Follow a routine exercise regimen.
  • Eat at regular time.
  • Good sleep( minimum 6 t 7 hours of sleep)
  • Regular Yoga practice and meditation.

Natural Ayurvedic Home Remedies For Cancer

There are no proven natural remedies to cure cancer, but there are effective natural remedies to support cancer patients for improving health and reducing the side effects of other treatments.

Effective Ayurvedic Herbs For Cancer

  • Neem
  • Tinospora
  • Ashwagandha (Withania somnifera)
  • Turmeric
  • Fenugreek
  • Holy basil
  • Ginger
  • Cinnamon
  • Garlic
  • Indian gooseberry
  • Semecarpus anacardium / marking nut
  • Aloe Vera
  • Moringa

Any formulations with these herbs can be included in the daily routine. They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti-cancerous properties. Intake of herbs during the radio–chemo therapy should be done only after discussion with your consulting Physician.

Herbal Tea For Cancer

  • Green tea
  • Tea prepared by using ginger, garlic, turmeric, cinnamon, holy basil is also beneficial.

Yoga Asanas For Cancer

Yoga asanas support the physical, psychological and emotional sufferings that disease creates. Yoga helps to tone the internal organ functions and improves the blood circulation. Practicing yoga asanas helps in calming the entire body and mind. Yoga helps the cancer patients overcome the negative effects of the disease. Stimulates the muscles, increase blood supply, balance the glands and helps in internal purification process. Yoga is effective in lowering the stress level , strengthening immune functions and rejuvenate a person enough to fight for their lives. Apart from these asanas(postures) Pranayama(breathing exercise),meditation are also helpful. Some of the best yoga asanas for cancer are below:

  • Cat – cow Pose
  • Bridge Pose
  • Corpse Pose
  • Legs up the wall
  • Half Sun Salutation
  • Reclining Butterfly Pose