The word “din “means day and “charya” means activities, behavior or regimen. So the word “dinacharya” means Daily routine. Ayurveda – the science of life clearly explained about this concept. One should follow proper “dinacharya” for maintaining healthy life.
“Maintaining the health of a healthy individual and curing of disease of a diseased individual “is the main aim of Ayurveda clearly explains “dinacharya” as preventive healthcare measures.
The activities which needs to be followed daily by every individual for maintaining health of body, mind &soul.
- How many hours should we sleep according to Ayurveda?
- What are the advantages of waking up early?
- How many times one should eat in a day according to Ayurveda?
- What is the need of mouth wash?
- What are the benefit of doing exercise daily?
- What are the benefits of oil massage?
- What are the benefits of taking water in empty stomach?
- Is it good for your body to wake up early?
- When should I go to sleep?
- Importance of sleep according to Ayurveda?
- What is the best sleeping position according to Ayurveda?
- Can we eat fruits at night according to Ayurveda?
- Can we use curd at night?
- How can we make an herbal bath powder?
- What is the best ayurvedic chewing stick?
- How can we make our gums in Ayurveda?
- Oral hygiene in Ayurveda?
- What is the use of the mouth wash?
- Name of an ayurvedic drug which can be use as mouth wash?
- What are the powders can we use for body massage?
- Day time regimen (Dinacharya)
- Night time regimen (Ratricharya)
- Seasonal regimen (Ritu charya)
Following Dinacharya in our day to day life helps to maintain the balance and harmony of our body and nature by regulating our biological clock. It also regularizes digestion and metabolism. It generates self-esteem, discipline, peace, happiness and longevity.
Getting up at ‘Brahma muhurta’
- One should wake up in “bhrahma muhurtha”-almost one and half hour before sun rise, the good time for perceiving knowledge.
- Oxygen in the atmosphere in the early morning easily and readily mixes up with hemoglobin and form oxy hemoglobin, which nourishes the tissue rapidly
- Exposure to bright light in early morning causes the release of serotonin which contributes to feeling of happiness and keep the person active
- Due to minimal pollution (noise, water, air) early morning times enhances the concentration of mind and memory power.
Drinking luke warm water (Ushna jala pana)
- 1 or 2 glasses of water should be taken before sunrise.
- It enhances the metabolism by 25% and boosts energy
- Also helps in losing weight and removes toxins from our body
- Drinking water before breakfast reduces 13% calorie intake at the next meal.
- Your skin contains 30% water, drinking water in the morning helps to minimize the acne and gives moisturized look
Defecation – Mala Tyaga
- Early morning Evacuation is a natural process. At this time the waste of digested food will be at the end of colon.
- Defecation at the proper time clears the rectum , enhances digestion power
- This habit keeps the body free from the diseases like constipation, foul smelling flatus
Brushing of teeth (Dhantha Dhavana)
- After evacuation of excreta one should do brushing of teeth along with cleaning of tongue.
- It helps to increase taste perception.
- Increases secretion of saliva.
- Saliva contains ptylin (salivary amylase) which helps to breakdown the food particle and in preventing the bacteria decay of teeth.
- Lysozyme and secretory IgA in saliva act as an antimicrobial agents.
- Ayurveda advices use of twigs of plants possessing pungent, bitter, astringent tastes for brushing the teeth and cleaning the tongue.
- Neem is the best ayurvedic chewing stick.
- So it reduces the chance of getting allergic reactions and keeps the gums stronger
- It is a good exercise of facial muscles
- Ideal Length of an herbal brush is about 21.1 cm, thickness about size of little finger and the edge of the brush should be crushed and soft.
Tongue cleaning (Jihva Nirlekhana)
- Cleaning of tongue eliminates microbes from mouth and bad odor of mouth.
- Improves taste perception.
- Increases the salivation.
Use of collyrium (Anjana)
- Application of collyrium in eyes.
- It pleasing the eyes.
- Eye lashes become unctuous and thick.
- Improves the vision.
- Cleansing the eyes.
- When collyrium applies it will irritate the eyelids and conjunctiva and enhances the circulation.
- Gives nourishment and protection to the eyes.
- One should practice potent eye kohls or eye drops to clean the eyes.
Nasal instillation (Nasya)
- Delivering the drug via nasal route
- 2 or 4 Oils can be used for nasya in our daily regimen like “anutaila”.
- Sticky nature of the oil prevents the entry of foreign bodies like dust into the nasal tract
- Drugs of nasya triggers the olfactory nerve endings and sends the message to the CNS and initiates the proper functions of the body
- Promotes the strength of the head and neck and shoulder region
- It is a good regimen for migraine,sinusitis,neck and shoulder pain allergies etc
- It strengthen the sense organs
- Removes unwanted mucosal secretion
- Cleanses the para nasal sinuses and adjoining areas
Mouth wash and oil pulling (Gandusha and Kavala)
- Gandusha and kavala by using Luke warm water improves the circulation of oral cavity
- Gives massaging effect on oral muscles, cheek muscles, facial muscles and jaw muscles
- Enhances the sensory and motor functions of tongue
- Stimulates the blood flow in oral cavity
- Mouth washing with decoction of bark of khadira (Acacia catechu) prevents tastelessness, bad odor of mouth, excessive salivation, halitosis.
- Trifala (powder mixture of embilica officianalis,Terminalia chebula,Terminalia belerica) powder can be use daily for mouth wash.
Herbal smoke (Dhumapana)
- Inhalation off herbal smoke
- It prevents the diseases of organs above the neck
- Stimulate the normal physiological functions of respiratory center in brain stem
- Disinfect the upper respiratory tract
- Prevents the excess secretion of nasopharynx and oropharynx
Betel leaf chewing
- Increases the taste perception and salivation
- Betel leaf contains essential oil that which is antibacterial, anti-protozoal and anti-fungal properties.
Oil massage (Abhyanga)
- Daily oil massage is recommended
- Enhances the blood circulation
- Enhances the transport of the nutrients to the body
- It stimulates the nerve endings and gives analgesic effect on the area which it is done.
- Improves clarity of vision
- Improves complexion
- Oil massage overhead gives nourishment to the hair and sense organs
- Improves sleep
- Padaabhyanga means foot massage is also improves circulation, and improves vision and sleep
Physical exercise (Vyayama)
- The practice of any physical exercise helps the body become light and efficient in activities.
- It improves the carbohydrate metabolism
- It causes lipolysis and helps to maintain the BMI
- Helps in maintaining healthy mind and body
- Enhances the oxygen level in the blood
Herbal powder massage (Udwarthana)
- Upward massage of the helps to improves complexion, dissolves the fat and reduces itching and eruptions
- Provides firmness to the body
- One should do this powder massage after exercise and before bath.
- Trifala powder, kolakulathadi churna(ayurvedic mixture of some particular drugs) etc can be use for body massage.
- Daily bath improves the digestion and longevity
- Enhances the sexual drive
- Improves strength and energy
- Helps to maintain the hygiene
- Using hot water over the head is contra indicated
- After intake of food one should not take bath .it causes indigestion
- Ayurvedic bathing powders: Green gram powder can be use, Mixture of neem powder,manjishta(rubia cordifolia),Turmeric, amlaki(indian gooseberry),ginger-2 pinches,rose petal paste made with water,almond,khadira(acacia catechu),vacha(acorus calamus),rasna(pluchea lanceolate) can be use as bathing powder.
- One should take the food on proper quantity and should be at proper time
- Food should be wholesome
- Food should be taken with pleasant mind
- Food shall be taken only when the previously taken meal is fully digested
One should avoid activities mentioned below during evening time.
- Food consumption
- Sexual intercourse
- Sleep
- Reading / studying
- Walking
Dinner (Ahara)
- Food should be taken at first part of night.
- One should take bath before taking food for proper digestion
- Avoid curd at night. Because it can impair the digestion and increases the acid reflex and it may cause constipation.
- Dinner should be always light
- Shatha paada gamana- walking for 100 steps is recommended after taking food for getting proper digestion
- Ayurveda says that we should not take any fruits after having meals at any time. Because it disturbs the digestion of food taken.
- Sleeping at right time for proper duration is very important for maintaining the healthy life
- Day time sleep is very harmful to our body as well as mind
- One should go to sleep with pleasant mind
- Brushing of teeth before sleep helps to maintain the oral hygiene.
- 6 to 7 hours sleep will helps to keep the body and mind healthy
- Sleep removes toxins from the brain
- Studies shows that Chronic insomnia leads to diseases including Hyper tension,diabetes,depression and obesity
- Washing of face and mouth before sleep will helps to maintain the hygiene
- Sleep enjoyed at the proper time (6-7 hrs) gives nourishment, good color, complexion, strength, keenness of digestive power, wakefulness and maintains normalcy of tissue
- According to Ayurveda sleeping between 9 to 10 pm is good .sleeping between 10 pm to 2 am is good for nervous system. This time is pitha predominant which is responsible for the intellect and creativity.
- According to Ayurveda sleeping on your left side is good for proper body functioning.
Sexual life (Maithuna)
- Sex at the correct time and in correct frequency improves quality of life and longevity.
- Sexual desire may vary with age ,constitution, body condition even with variations in the seasons but essential for mental physical health
- By following proper sexual activity as per the regimen mentioned in ayurvedic classics will get long life, delayed ageing, improves skin complexion
- Maintaining hygiene of the body
- Enhances physical strength of the body
- Promoting health and longevity
- Keep mind calm and peaceful
- Helps for self-protection
- Prevention of disease
- Release of stress
- Maintaining the proper digestion and metabolism
- Boosting immunity
- Enhances mental health
- Helps to maintain the proper function of the endocrine system and nervous system
- Regulates the biological clock of the body