Sinusitis is an inflammation or swelling of the tissue lining in the sinuses (cavity within a bone, especially one in the bone of the face or skull connecting nasal cavities). Normally sinuses are filled with air. In sinusitis, a sinus becomes blocked and gets filled with fluid, germs (bacteria, viruses, and fungi), can grow and cause infections.

Concept of sinusitis according to Ayurveda

Ayurveda considered Sinusitis as kaphaja shirashoola (headache caused by kapha dosha, bio energy), a condition where there is dull pain in the head, throughout the day and felt more at night.

Causes of Sinusitis

  • Common cold
  • Allergic rhinitis
  • Nasal growth or polyps
  • A deviated nasal septum
  • Develops as a secondary disease in asthma patients

FAQ / article includes/ points covered

Symptoms of sinusitis
  • Sneezing
  • Heaviness in the head
  • Blocked or running nose
  • Swelling of the face
  • Headache
  • Pressure in eye-nose-cheek-head
  • Thick yellow-green nasal discharge
  • Cough
  • Loss of senses of smell and taste
  • Facial pain, particularly when leaning forward
  • Bad breath
  • Nasal congestion
  • Persistent cough, fever, fatigue, and other upper respiratory tract infections
  • Toothache
Classification of sinusitis
  • Acute sinusitis: Sudden onset of cold-like symptoms such as runny, stuffy nose, and facial pain that does not go away after 10 to 14 days. It is an inflammation of Paranasal sinuses lasting less than 30 days.
  • Sub-acute sinusitis: An inflammation lasting 30-90 days.
  • Chronic sinusitis: Episodes of inflammation of Paranasal sinuses lasting more than 90 days.
  • Recurrent sinusitis: Several attacks within a year.

Sinusitis can be classified by the sinus cavity which it affects:

  • Maxillary – can cause pain or pressure in the maxillary (cheek) area (e.g., toothache or headache)
  • Frontal – can cause pain or pressure in the frontal sinus cavity (located above eyes), headache, particularly in the forehead
  • Ethmoidal – can cause pain or pressure pain between/behind the eyes, the sides of the upper part of the nose, and headaches
  • Sphenoidal – can cause pain or pressure behind the eyes, but often refers to the skull vertex (top of the head), over the mastoid processes, or the occiput (back of the head).
Complication of sinusitis
  • Local complication

Infections, puss discharges etc

  • Orbital complication

Secondary infections to eyes other structures in theorbit

  • Intracranial complication

Meningitis, subdural abscess and other infection to cranial structures .

  • Descending infection

Later infections may extend to larynx, pharynx


Ayurveda considered Sinusitis as kaphaja shirashoola, a condition where there is dull pain in the head, throughout the day and felt more at night.

Unhealthy diet which includes fried, oily, cold, unctuous, heavy and incompatible food causes impairment of all three doshas (bio-energies). Impaired Kapha (bodily humor) accumulates in the sinuses, thus blocking the flow of Vata (air). Impaired Pitta (fire) causes swelling and irritation of the tissues of the sinuses. All these three doshas vitiate rakta (blood) situated in the shiras (head) and leads to shiroroga (diseases of head).

Other factors responsible for this condition are suppressing natural urges of tears and vomiting, exposure to cold or dusty and dry weather, staying awake till late in the night, and sleeping in the daytime.


Ayurveda suggests following a healthy regimen that does not lead to the aggravation of doshas (bio energies). To maintain this health- a good code of conduct and way of living like… Daily regimen, seasonal regimen, way of eating and diet plans etc should be practiced.  Following good personal and social code of conduct helps to gain long, peaceful, happy and healthy life.

Ayurveda suggests to include daily nasya (nasal drops), dhoomapana (inhalation of fume), kavala-gandusha (gargling with medicated decoctions), and regular exercise in the daily regimen. Avoid suppression of natural urges like tears and vomiting, exposure to cold or dusty and dry weather, staying awake till late in the night, and sleeping in the daytime. Food that causes impairment of three doshas (bio-bioenergy) like oily, spicy, dry, too hot, too cold, indigestible and incompatible food are to be avoided.


Ayurvedic treatment of sinusitis involves liquefying and expelling aggravated body energies. Treatment is done using certain Ayurvedic herbs, well planned diet as well as nasal therapies and local applications. The Panchakarama treatment like Nasya and Vamana are quite effective.

  • Nasya (nasal drops) done by using herbal decoctions or powders.
  • Local application of herbal paste
  • Swedana (fomentation)
  • Shiroabhyanga (head massage)
  • Dhumapana (inhalation of medicated smoke)
  • Kabala (gargling using medicated water)
  • Snehanapana (intake of medicated ghee)
  • Vamana (emesis)
  • Virechana (purgation)

Internal medications like Dashamoolakatutrayam kashayam, Indukantam kashaya, Amritharishtam, Kaishoora Guggulu, Guggulutiktakam Ghrita, Agastya rasayanam, Lakshmivilasa rasa


Vegetarian diet

Spinach, carrot, onion, mushroom, banana blossom, banana stem, garlic

Non- Vegetarian diet

Chicken soup added with pungent spices like pepper, etc.

Other diet:

  • Have freshly prepared and easily digestible warm food.
  • Intake lot of vegetables and fresh fruits.
  • Fruits like mango with its peel (which is sweet and sour), pomegranate, water melon, cherry, guava, papaya, grape frut, and persimmon.
  • Cereals and pulses like lentils, mung dal, masur dal, horse gram, barley, oats, Amaranths, millets, ragi, cornflakes
  • Intake warm water prepared with cinnamon and black pepper.
  • Eat plenty of garlic and ginger
  • Frozen, heavy, oily food, cool drinks and soft drinks, chocolates, ice cream, cold water.
  • Wheat and milk products
  • Products of sugar cane, jaggery
  • Fried and fast food
  • Slimy food
  • Fish and meat
  • Sleep while lying on one side and with a pillow beneath the head. This prevents the accumulation of mucus in the air passages and helps to avoid difficulties in breathing.
  • Avoid day sleep and night vigil
  • Avoid undesirable substances and smells
  • Avoid over eating
  • Avoid sleeping just after food
  • Avoid change in atmospheric pressure
  • Avoid cigarette smoking and exposure to other pollutants.
  • Follow a routine exercise regimen (lighter exercises).
  • Eat at regular time.
  • Have good sleep( minimum 6 t 7 hours of sleep)
  • Yoga practice
  • Have 1 teaspoon of fresh Ginger juice mixed with 1 teaspoon of honey.
  • Inhale steam for 10-15 minutes. Water can be boiled by adding few drops of clove oil, eucalyptus oil or pepper mint oil and mint leaves or holy basil.
  • Mix 1 teaspoon of crushed garlic and 1 teaspoon of turmeric with 2 teaspoon of honey. Take 1 teaspoon daily.
  • Bitter gourd juice; turmeric and Indian gooseberry juice with salt and mint.
  • Ginger juice mixed with cow milk can be used as nasal drops
  • Intake of less fat buttermilk added with mustard.
  • Moringa seed powder used for nasal instillation
  • Drugs like moringa, seasame can be made paste and applied in forehead or scalp.
  • Drugs like Black Pepper(Piper nigrum), False black pepper(Embelia ribes),  Centipeda minima can be used for nasal instillations. 
  • Apamarga seeds(Achyranthes aspera) – nasal instillation.
  • Leaf juice of gin berry or Leucas zeylanica can be used for nasal instillation.
  • Green tea (not sweet)
  • Tea prepared using ginger, cinnamon, cardamom, clove, pepper and jaggery.
  • Ginger tea

Yoga asanas support the physical, psychological and emotional sufferings that a disease creates. It  helps to tone the internal organ functions and improves the blood circulation. Practicing yoga asanas helps in calming the entire body and mind. Stimulates the muscles, increase blood supply, balance the glands and helps in internal purification process. Yoga is effective in lowering the stress level , strengthening immune functions and rejuvenate a person. It provides relief from the side effects of sinusitis like wheezing, coughing and head ache. It keeps your mind and body fresh. Yoga makes breathing easier as it opens up the nostrils and allows a smooth flow of air. It clears the throat region enabling to deal with the sinusitis problem better. Some of the yoga best for sinusitis are below:

  • Bridge pose
  • Seated Forward Bend
  • Standing Forward Bend
  • Plow pose
  • Cow Face Pose
  • Head to Knee Forward Bend
  • Cobra Pose
  • Camel Pose
  • Downward Facing Pose