What really happens when we get a FEVER ?

What really happens when we get a FEVER ?

‘Fever’  is also known as pyrexia, hyperthermia and high temperature. Fever is nothing but higher than the normal body temperature.

Fever is a sign that our body shows due to any internal or external cause.

It overheats the body due to an increase in the body temperature set point. Fever is a symptom which fights the illness of our body.

The Hypothalamus within the brain controls our body temperature. In response to an infection, illness, or some other causes, the hypothalamus may reset the body temperature to higher.

Core temperature elevated due to re-setting the thermoregulatory set point in the hypothalamus. Due to the failure of the thermoregulatory mechanism body produces or absorbs more heat than it can dissipate. Fever affects both children and adults. Mainly it is a symptom of other diseases.



Normal body temperature 98.6°F (37°C)

Normal in infants 100.2°C (Rectal reading)

         Child 99.5°F(37.5°C)

Normal body temperature slightly varies from person to person. It also varies according to time mild temperature during the morning >37.2°C and at other times of the day, the temperature will be 37.8°C.


Ayurveda considered fever as ‘Jwara Roga’. Jwara is due to an imbalance of pitta, Kapha and Vata dosha. Pitta dosha vitiation leads to Agnimandhya then it leads to Aama Avastha (indigestion) also there will be Rasadhatu Kshaya (depletion of rasa Dhatu) which obstructs the channels and sweat glands blocked and Jwara occurs.

Types of Jwara according to dosha (body constitution) and Agantujajwara(due to external factors). Vataja jwara,pitta jwara, kaph jwara and combination of these doshas , vishama jwara , etc are the types of jwara according to ayurveda. 


Fever is classified:

According to its severity:

  • Acute
  • Subacute
  • Chronic

Acute fever: duration of acute fever is less than 7 days. it is due to some infectious diseases like malaria, upper respiratory tract infection etc.

Sub-acute fever: it persists for not more than 2 weeks. Some causes are typhoid fever, intra-abdominal abscess etc…

Chronic or persistent fever: it continues for more than 2 weeks, the causes are tuberculosis, viral infection such as HIV, cancers etc…If acute fever is left untreated its severity increases and becomes chronic.

According to body temperature:

  • Low grade
  • Moderate grade
  • High grade
  • Hyperpyrexia

Normal – 37°C -38°C or 98.6°F-100.4°F

Mild  _ 38.1°C -39°C or 100.5°F-102.2°F

Moderate -39.1°C-40°C or 102.2°F-104.0°F

High   – 40.1°C- 41.1°C or 104.1°F-106.0°F

Hyperpyrexia – > 41.1°C or >106.0°F

According to the pattern:

  • Sustained or continuous fever: it does not fluctuate more than 1°C during 24 hours period. In typhoid, pneumonia, acute bacterial meningitis and urinary tract infection there will be sustained fever.
  • Intermittent fever: there is an interval where the temperature is elevated for several hours during the day then it falls. In malaria, pyogenic infection, tuberculosis, lymphoma etc… have an intermittent fever.
  • Remittent fever: there will be a daily fluctuation of 2°C but not touches the normal temperature.
  • Relapsing or periodic fever: recurring fever in bacterial infection.


  • There are many causes of fever. a common cause of fever is cold gastroenteritis
  • Infection of the ear, lungs, skin, throat, bladder or kidney
  • Inflammation such as rheumatoid arthritis etc… and inflammation in any part of the internal organ and externally also.
  • Due to Vaccination or immunisation.
  • Side effects of any medications.
  • Sunburn
  • heat exhaustion
  • autoimmune diseases
  • due to the use of some illegal drugs like cocaine
  •  teething in babies
  • Cancer
  • Hormonal imbalance etc…


Fever is a sign of other diseases. some symptoms are associated with a fever they are;

  • Chills or shivering
  • Sweating
  • Headache
  • Feeling weak
  • Irritability
  • Anorexia(loss of appetite)
  • Muscle ache
  • Dehydration etc.


Fever is diagnosed by using a clinical thermometer also digital thermometers are available. But cause should find out by taking the history of the patient and also by some investigation if necessary.

Oral, axillary and rectal areas where the thermometer is placed. Oral placed under the tongue, axillary armpit reading is taken and rectal is used in infants.


  • Severe headache
  • Throat swelling
  • Skin rash gets worse
  • Neck stiffness and pain
  • Vomiting and diarrhoea
  • Abdominal pain
  • Pain while passing urine
  • Muscle weakness
  • Chest pain, difficulty in breathing
  • Seizures
  • An infant or child having seizures
  • Fever does not subside after taking medicine.


  • Take rest including bed rest
  • Drink enough water to stay hydrated
  • Take antipyretic drugs with a doctor’s advice
  • Bathing or sponging in lukewarm water brings the temperature down
  • Use light clothing


  • The First stage is Langhana (fasting).
  • Svedana (fomentation is done)
  • Ama Pachana with Yavagu (medicated gruel) and Tiktha rasa Dravya (medicines with a bitter taste ).
  • Shadanga Paniya (6 drug combination boiled water) is given
  • Vamana is done if Kapha dosha is dominant in fever.
  • Kashaya (administration of kashaya on the 6th day).
  • Other treatments like Virechana, Vasti, Nasya and Dhoopana are given according to the dosha vitiation as elimination therapy.

Shadanga Paniya in Jwara (fever): herbal drink used in fever

Musta (cyperous rotundus), parpataka (Fumaria indica), usheera(Vetiveria zizanioides)

Chandana (santalum album), udichya (pavonia odorata), shundi(zingiber officinale)

Ayurveda medicines used are Tribhuvan Kirti Rasa, Mrutyunjaya rasa, Sanjivani Vati, Sitopaladi Choornam etc…


  • Take light meal
  • Take rice gruel with medicated herbs
  • Take steam which helps in opening the blocked channels.
  • Rest can help in improving the condition.
  • Drink plenty of liquid
  • Massage relieves muscle aches
  • Bath and sponging in lukewarm water are good.
  • Do not eat heavy food, processed and junk foods
  • Avoiding bathing in cold water