Ayurveda Certified Online course on Immunology

Ayurveda Certified Online course on Immunology

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10 days Certified Online course on Immunology in Ayurveda

Immunology is the study of the immune system, which is an important branch of medical and biological sciences. The immune system protects us from infection through a variety of preventive measures. If the immune system is not working properly, it can lead to autoimmune diseases, allergies and cancer. It is now clear that immune responses are responsible for the development of many of the most commonly seen immune disorders, including Alzheimer’s, which are metabolic, cardiovascular, and neurodegenerative conditions. Immunity is cause for good health and lack of immunity is the cause of all diseases.


This online course in Ayurveda will help the student to explore the Ayurvedic and modern approach to the immune system and the immune response in the body.
It helps a student to understand a lot about health and its secret keys.
This course will help a clinician to better understand the patient and advise on the best medications.
It will teach about the importance of lifestyle in enhancing immunity.
This course will help an ordinary person get an idea about immunity and self care, which can maintain their own immunity.
It helps a person to understand themselves.
Various immunoregulators and immuno boosters will be discussed, including specific formulations and specific indications of age and disease.
This course will help you learn about viral diseases and the importance of immunity in them.
This course focuses on knowledge to enhance one's own immunity and maintain them through Ayurveda.

The topics include:

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    1.Introduction to ayurveda

    Definition of Ayurveda
    Aim of Ayurveda
    Concept of Body
    Six taste

    3. The seven tissue elements of body

    Concept of Dhatu
    Seven types of tissue elements
    Formation of tissue elements
    Abnormality of tissue elements
    Relationship between tissue and bio energies

    5.Immunity & Components of blood, their functions and role in immunity

    Components of Blood
    Functions of Plasma
    Functions of RBC
    Functions of WBC
    Functions of Platelets
    Formation of Blood
    Definition of Immunity
    Detail description about different types of Immunity
    Components of Immune system
    Organs of Immunity
    Mechanism of Immunity
    Abnormalities of Immunity

    7.Rasayana - a immuno modulatory procedure in ayurveda

    Concept of Rejuvenation in Ayurveda
    Definition of Rejuvenation in Ayurveda
    Classification of Rejuvenation
    How to adapt Rejuvenation
    Good code of Conduct
    Discussion on Rejuvenation with medicine and herbs
    Detox (Panchakarma) as Rejuvenation
    Benefits of Panchakarma
    Mode of action of Rejuvenation
    Containdication of Rejuvenation

    9. Regimens in ayurveda - approach to maintain the bio rhythem of body

    Need of rejuvenation in daily life
    Types of rejuvenation
    Regimen to be followed in day time
    Regimen to be followed at night
    Seasonal regimen
    Climate change and health
    Ayurvedic products for daily uses

    10. Herbs, formulation and home remedies to boost and enhance the immune system.

    Detail description, Researches and Specification in Immunomodulation of following drugs
    Other Drugs used for general health and rejuvenation
    Role of nutrients in immune system and their food sources
    Detox and rejuvenation through formulation

    2.The three bio energies

    Concept of three bio energies
    Understanding three bio energies
    Concept of vata
    Qualities of vata
    Active places of vata in body
    Main functions of vata
    Concept of pita
    Qualities of pita
    Active places of pita in body
    Main functions of pita
    Concept of kapha
    Qualities of kapha Qualities of kapha
    Active places of kapha in body
    Main functions of kapha
    Interrelation of bioenergies
    Time chart of bioenergies

    4.Bio fire, digestion, gastro intestinal tract

    Concept of Body waste
    Functions of Body waste
    Abnormalities of Body waste
    Relationship between Tissue and body waste
    Concept of Agni (Digestive fire)
    Types of Digestive fire
    Abnormalities of Digestive fire
    Factors influencing Digestive fire
    Concept of Digestive tract
    Types of Digestive tract
    Concept of Digestion
    Levels of Digestion

    6.Concept of immunity in ayurveda and the factors effecting immunity

    Concept of Immunity in Ayurveda
    Transmission of diseases according to Ayurveda
    Detail description of immunity in ayurveda
    Detail description of Types of Immunity in Ayurveda
    Factor responsible for promotion of strength
    Individuals with weak Immune System
    Role of digestion in Immunity
    Abnormalities of Immunity in Ayurveda
    Factors that diminish Immune response

    8.Ahara - proper diet

    Concept of food according to ayurveda
    Quality of good food
    Spacing of stomach
    Quantity of food
    Time to take food
    Proper dieting
    Food which can’t be taken regularly
    Food which can be taken regularly
    In compactable food
    Unhealthy combination of meat
    Unhealthy combination of milk
    Other unhealthy combinations
    Exceptions on Bad Diet
    How to adapt to good diet
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